Well-being. This word embraces you like a soft fabric. It brings peace, rest and harmony. It is more than a state – it is a choice, a journey towards yourself.  This idea guided us when we were creating our latest story called "Dobrostan" (well-being), which we present in collaboration with Natalia Kukulska – one of the brightest stars of the Polish music scene. She has decided to embark on a journey with us for the second time. This time it is even more personal, subtle, woven from the most sincere thoughts and emotions. 


Well-being. This word embraces you like a soft fabric. It brings peace, rest and harmony. It is more than a state – it is a choice, a journey towards yourself. 
This idea guided us when we were creating our latest story called "Dobrostan" (well-being), which we present in collaboration with Natalia Kukulska – one of the brightest stars of the Polish music scene. She has decided to embark on a journey with us for the second time. This time it is even more personal, subtle, woven from the most sincere thoughts and emotions.